1. 5. 2020 ob 20.00 uri
Antonie Muller (Nemčija).
V dvorani Glasbene šole Radovljica
The young pianist Antonia Miller, described by Martha Argerich as a “very promising young talent”, has gained during the last years a steadily growing international reputation through numerous appearences in various countries. She was born in Germany in 1994 and started playing the piano at 10 years. She is currently studying with Cristina Marton-Argerich at the Leopold Mozart Zentrum of the University Augsburg. Antonia Miller is prize winner of the German National Competition “Jugend musiziert” in Braunschweig (2014), “Förderpreis” of the Fritz and Liselotte-Hopf Foundation, top prize winner at the Siegfried Gschwilm Competition in Augsburg (2016), winner of many special prizes at the International Piano Competition “Munich Piano Podium” in Munich (2016) and First Prize Winner at the Clés d´or Competition in Zürich (2018). Antonia Miller is a fellowship musician of the Yehudi Menuhin “Live Music Now” in Augsburg and performed over 50 “Live music now” concerts in Bavaria. Since 2016 she is member of “Centro de Estudios Pianisticos” that gives her opportunities to take part at international masterclasses and to perform throughout Belgium, Netherlands and Spain. In 2018 she was granted a scholarship of Blüthner Masterclasses Vienna and in October 2018 she will perform in Basel Switzerland due to the support of the “Swiss Foundation For Young Musicians”. Antonia Miller attended master classes with Andrzej Jasinski, Eldar Nebolsin, Janina Fialkowska, Wolfgang Manz, Vanessa Latarche, Joseph Paratore and Marta Gulyas. Besides of her solo performances, Antonia Miller is a very active and passionate chamber musician , lied accompanist and piano pedagogue. She teaches piano at music schools in Augsburg, Stockach and Munich. During the last years Antonia Miller has performed extensively at several venues across Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium and Romania. In 2018/ 19 she will perform recitals in Warsaw, Stuttgart, Paris, Basel, Bern and Budapest among others.