23.6.2019, Maria Iaiza, klavirski recital

V dvorani glasbene šole ob 11.00 uri


V. Beethoven (1770 – 1827) Sonata Op. 7, v Es-Duru

Allegro con brioLargo, con gran espressione, Allegro, Poco allegretto e grazioso

A. Skrjabin (1872 – 1915), Vers la Flamme, Op. 72

Ph. Rameau(1683 – 1764), Pièces de Clavecin: “Les Cyclopes”

E. Rautavaara (1928-2016) Sonata št. 2, The Fire Sermon

 Molto Allegro, Andante assai, Allegro brutale

J. Ph. Rameau(1683 – 1764), Pièces de Clavecin: “Les tendres plaintes”

F. Liszt(1811 – 1886), Isolde’s Liebestod, trasnkripcija Tristan und Isolde Richard Wagner, S.447

Maria Iaiza

Rodila se je leta 1998 v Palmanovi, njeni starši so jo začeli učiti klavir. Pri petih letih je začel študirati pod vodstvom prof. Maria Puxeddu. Študij je nadaljeval na J.J. Tomadini “iz Vidma v razredu maestra Giovannija Baffera, ki je v oktobru 2017 dosegel akademsko diplomo s polnimi ocenami in priznanji. Trenutno se udeležuje dvoletnega specialističnega tečaja na “G. Tartini “iz Trsta s prof. Terezo Trevisan. Izboljšala se je zahvaljujoč mojstrskim tečajem s priznanimi pianisti, kot so Andrej Jasinsky, Daniel Rivera, Maurizio Baglini, Alexander Gadjiev, Pierluigi Camicia, Marc Pierre Toth, Irene Russo, Ida Gamulin in Michael Lukas. Poleg tega je zaradi programa Erasmus študiral pod vodstvom prof. Thérèse Fahy, profesorja na Kraljevi irski glasbeni akademiji v Dublinu in prof. Antoinette Van Zabner na Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Kot študentka Accademia del Ridotto di Stradella sledi specializacijskemu tečaju pri M. Aquiles delle Vigne. Po prvih koncertnih doživetjih v sezoni “Salotto dei Concerti”, s katerim je nastopil v Gorici (2012), Latisani (2013) in Pordenone (2014), je bil v letih 2015-2016-2017 izbran za koncerte rezervirana za najboljše študente konservatorija, ki potekajo v Videmskem gradu. V koncertni sezoni je nastopila v koncertni sezoni v dvorani Darsena v Lignanu leta 2017, na “J. Tomadini ”iz Vidma, v“ Sala Marizza ”v Fogliano di Redipuglia, na Circolo delle Generali v Trstu, na razstavi“ Giovani Talenti ”v Rovinju (Hrvaška), v Palazzo Albrizzi v Benetkah leta 2018 in na Piano City Milan 2019; nastopa tudi kot solist ali komorni ansambel v gledališču Piccolo Salieri v Legnagu, v Teatru Modena v Palmanovi, v Sala “Club Primo Rovis” v Trstu, na Borgo Sabotino (LT), na Univerzi na Dunaju, v hotelu Savoia Trst, Ljubljana, Piran, Pod Nanos (Slovenija), Reka (Hrvaška). Posebno pozornost posveča sodobni glasbi, za katero nastopa ob posebnih priložnostih, kot sta izdaja festivala Satierose v Teatru Miela leta 2018 in 2019 ter srečanja s skladatelji na Univerzi v Venetu leta 2018. Igra kot solist z “G. Verdi “v sezoni 2018 na Teatro Piccola Fenice v Trstu. Odlikovala se je na številnih tekmovanjih, dosegla rezultate, vključno s prvo nagrado na natečaju Paularo, tekmovanju mladih glasbenikov “Città di Palmanova”, mednarodnim tekmovanjem mladih pianistov v Bitoli (Makedonija) leta 2017, mednarodnem tekmovanju “Città” di Stradella ”, na mednarodnem tekmovanju“ Lia Tortora ”v Città della Pieve leta 2018. Dobila je štipendijo “L. Mari” za najboljšega diplomanta klavirja v študijskem letu 2016/2017 na “J. Tomadini “in je prejel podporo Ananijske fundacije v letu 2017.


Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Application deadline: 13 July 2019

Master Classes are aimed at music students, professional musicians and talented young people who would like to improve their technical, musical and artistic skills. They are also aimed at those who are preparing for concerts, auditions or competitions.

All Master Classes are open to active and passive participants. The Masterclasses for active participants includes 4 or 5 individual lessons. The number of participants per class is limited to 10-12. The number of passive participants is not restricted.

  • Active participants work on a programme selected by themselves.
  • The organization communicate the instruction time the day before the beginning of the Master Classes.
  • Free practice rooms are at the student’s disposal.
  • A final concert is held at the end of the classes. Passive students may attend all events.

The Master Classes take place in the Music school (Glasbena šola) at Linhartov trg 1, Radovljica, Slovenia.

About the attendance and enrollment fees. Below you can see the attendance and the enrollment fees for the Master Classes of professor Sorokow. The confirmation of payment of enrollment fee send to: casakamna@gmail.com. The attendance fee is to be paid at the beginning of the Masterclasses.
Passive participation: 20 €

Total fee: 450 €

Attendance fee: 400 € ; Enrollment fee: 50 € . For 4 lessons of 50′, piano accompaniment included

Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Payment of attendance and enrollment fees to: KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenija

IBAN SI56 1010 0005 2374 757
Banka Intesa SanPaolo, Pristaniška 14, 6502, Koper, Slovenija

Contact for accommodation:
Hotel Grajski dvor, Radovljica, info@grajski-dvor.si
Tourist Information Centre Radovljica, www.radolca.si
KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenia
www.casakamna.org ; casakamna@gmail.com ; 00386 (0)31 708913



Born in 1954 in Russia, Leonid Sorokow received his first violin lessons at the age of five. He attend­ed the Special Music School of the St. Peters­burg Conservatory. 1973-78 studied at the Moscow Conser­vatory under J.Jankelevich and J.Tchugaye­va, attended a postgraduate course under V.Klimov. In 1979 Leonid Sorokow became a prize-winner at the International Competition in Montreal, in 1981 won second prize at the Paganini Competi­tion in Genoa. Sorokow toured Russia, Hungary, Italy and Fin­land as a soloist and was a part­ner of D.Sitkovecky, O.Kagan, N.Gutman, J.Bashmet, D.Geringas, K.Kash­ka­shian and others at various chamber concerts. 1986-92 he was the first con­certmaster of the “Moscow So­loists” under J.Bashmet. Leonid Sorokow took part in world-wide tours with this ensemble, also as a soloist, in 1992 as artistic di­rector. Since 1991 Leonid Sorokow has been living in Vienna, since 1993 he has been teaching at the University of Music in Vienna and since 2001 he has been teaching as Professor at the Music –Academy in Zagreb. 1996-2007 Leonid Sorokow was a member of the Vienna Mozart-Trio. Leonid Sorokow is a co-founder of the “Amadeus Trio Zagreb” (2009). The students of Leonid Sorokow have received numerous prizes at international musical competitions.


Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Application deadline:  5 July 2019

Master Classes are aimed at music students, professional musicians and talented young people who would like to improve their technical, musical and artistic skills. They are also aimed at those who are preparing for concerts, auditions or competitions.

All Master Classes are open to active and passive participants. The Masterclasses for active participants includes 4 or 5 individual lessons. The number of participants per class is limited to 10-12. The number of passive participants is not restricted.

  • Active participants work on a programme selected by themselves.
  • The organization communicate the instruction time the day before the beginning of the Master Classes.
  • Free practice rooms are at the student’s disposal.
  • A final concert is held at the end of the classes. Passive students may attend all events.

The Master Classes take place in the Music school (Glasbena šola) at Linhartov trg 1, Radovljica, Slovenia.

About the attendance and enrollment fees. Below you can see the attendance and the enrollment fees for the Master Classes of professors. The confirmation of payment of enrollment fee send to: casakamna@gmail.com. The attendance fee is to be paid at the beginning of the Masterclasses.
Passive participation: 20 €


Total fee: 260 €

Attendance fee: 200 € ; Enrollment fee: 60 € for 4 lessons of 45′

Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form


Total fee: 360 €

Attendance fee: 300 € ; Enrollment fee: 60 € . For 5 lessons of 90′

Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Payment of attendance and enrollment fees to: KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenija

IBAN SI56 1010 0005 2374 757
Banka Intesa SanPaolo, Pristaniška 14, 6502, Koper, Slovenija

Contact for accommodation:
Hotel Grajski dvor, Radovljica, info@grajski-dvor.si
Tourist Information Centre Radovljica, www.radolca.si
KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenia
www.casakamna.org ; casakamna@gmail.com ; 00386 (0)31 708913

Teresa Trevisan


Flavio Zaccaria


Teresa Trevisan and Flavio Zaccaria debuted in 2002 at the International Festival in Bitola (Macedonia) where they successfully performed a rare transcription for piano four hands of the Brandenburg Concertos of Bach-Reger by Filippo Trevisan, which was widely acclaimed by audiences and critics thereafter. “.. The duo’s stylistic signature is the extreme care in producing timbres, which is the natural link between their pianism and the spiritual level of the listener…..the enviable precision and the astonishing combination of contrasting registers with the flowing lines of the music….. the sensitive flow in the expression, the amazing refinement of the tonal palette, the plastic tempo… ” – Horizons of Music, Sofia-Bulgaria, May 2013. ” … They create a perfect team and the execution is crystal clear in the contrapuntal sections … technically… blend into a fine ensemble piano, full of art and poetry, with intelligent balance…” – Piano Journal, London, 2013.


Pietro Serafin.  Born in Treviso (Italy) he started studying music at the “Istituto Musicale di Treviso” and graduated at the Conservatorio “B. Marcello” in the Class of M° A. Vendramelli. He then specialised at the “Hochschule für Musik und dar. Kunst” in Vienna under the guidance of A. Navarra. He obtained Merit Diplomas at the “Accademia Chigiana” in Siena for Cello (Navarra), Quartetto (Piero Farulli), Chamber Music (Brengola, Trio di Trieste) and Contemporary Music (Meunier). He attended orchestral training courses in Milano (Brandt). He joined “I Solisti Veneti” for one year. He qualified for different Orchestras and gained the post of Second Cello at the Teatro “La Fenice”, First Cello at the “Orchestra Regionale Toscana” in Florence. He was First Cello at the Padoa & d. V. Chamber Orchestra for three years having been nominated by the Artistic management. One of the founding members of the “H.Villa-Lobos” Cello Ensemble held concerts in Italy with them and a tour in Brazil (Festival Villa-Lobos, Sounds from the Dolomites). First Cello and founding member of the “Orchestra d’Archi Italiana” he followed its activity from 1994 to 2003. Some of the most important events he attended are the residential seasons in Turin and Milan, a number of important musical projects (Note di Viaggio / Note Dipinte) with internationally re-known soloists and directors such as Brunello, Pichler, Stockhausen and Meyer and the Asian Tournèe in 2000 and the one in Japan in 2001/2003. He has joined different Chamber Music ensembles: String Quintets, Flute Quartets, Piano Trios, Cello Ensembles. In parallel with the concert activity he has studied Musicology (thesis on “Venezuelas Youth Orchestra System), Electronic Music and Harmony. At present he teaches at the Conservatorio “G. Tartini” in Trieste and collaborates with United World College of the Adriatic in Duino.   


Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Application deadline: 24 June 2019

Master Classes are aimed at music students, professional musicians and talented young people who would like to improve their technical, musical and artistic skills. They are also aimed at those who are preparing for concerts, auditions or competitions.

All Master Classes are open to active and passive participants. The Masterclasses for active participants includes 4 or 5 individual lessons. The number of participants per class is limited to 10-12. The number of passive participants is not restricted.

  • Active participants work on a programme selected by themselves.
  • The organization communicate the instruction time the day before the beginning of the Master Classes.
  • Free practice rooms are at the student’s disposal.
  • A final concert is held at the end of the classes. Passive students may attend all events.

The Master Classes take place in the Music school (Glasbena šola) at Linhartov trg 1, Radovljica, Slovenia.

About the attendance and enrollment fees. Below you can see the attendance and the enrollment fees for the Master Classes of professor SIAVUSH GADJIEV. The confirmation of payment of enrollment fee send to: casakamna@gmail.com. The attendance fee is to be paid at the beginning of the Masterclasses.
Passive participation: 20 €

Total fee: 300 €

Attendance fee: 200 €; Enrollment fee: 100 € , for 4 lessons of 50′

Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Payment of attendance and enrollment fees to: KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenija

IBAN SI56 1010 0005 2374 757
Banka Intesa SanPaolo, Pristaniška 14, 6502, Koper, Slovenija

Contact for accommodation:
Hotel Grajski dvor, Radovljica, info@grajski-dvor.si
Tourist Information Centre Radovljica, www.radolca.si
KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenia
www.casakamna.org ; casakamna@gmail.com ; 00386 (0)31 708913

The pianist Siavush Gadjiev completed his musical education at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow as a student of famous teachers such as Bella Davidovich and Boris Zemliansky. At the Moscow Conservatory he also obtained the Master of Music degree (“Course of Interpretation”) and was invited to teach in the prestigious Central Special Music School of the Moscow Conservatory. Gadjiev develops an educational activity running master classes, seminars and thematic lectures-concerts. He has held recitals in many cities of the ex-Soviet Union, Europe and USA. He has also performed with major orchestras and as a chamber musician with distinguished European musicians. He is a the Artistic Director of the “Giuliano Pecar” International Piano Competition.


Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Application deadline: 24 June 2019

Master Classes are aimed at music students, professional musicians and talented young people who would like to improve their technical, musical and artistic skills. They are also aimed at those who are preparing for concerts, auditions or competitions.

All Master Classes are open to active and passive participants. The Masterclasses for active participants includes 4 or 5 individual lessons. The number of participants per class is limited to 10-12. The number of passive participants is not restricted.

  • Active participants work on a programme selected by themselves.
  • The organization communicate the instruction time the day before the beginning of the Master Classes.
  • Free practice rooms are at the student’s disposal.
  • A final concert is held at the end of the classes. Passive students may attend all events.

The Master Classes take place in the Music school (Glasbena šola) at Linhartov trg 1, Radovljica, Slovenia.

About the attendance and enrollment fees. Below you can see the attendance and the enrollment fees for the Master Classes of professor VASILIJ MELJNIKOV. The confirmation of payment of enrollment fee send to: casakamna@gmail.com. The attendance fee is to be paid at the beginning of the Masterclasses.
Passive participation: 20 €

Total fee: 320 €

Attendance fee: 200 € ;  Enrollment fee: 120 €. For 4 lessons of 50′, piano accompaniment included

Please fill out the application form on line: Application Form

Payment of attendance and enrollment fees to: KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenija

IBAN SI56 1010 0005 2374 757
Banka Intesa SanPaolo, Pristaniška 14, 6502, Koper, Slovenija

Contact for accommodation:
Hotel Grajski dvor, Radovljica, info@grajski-dvor.si
Tourist Information Centre Radovljica, www.radolca.si
KUD Hiša Kamna, Kamna Gorica 46a, 4246 Kamna Gorica, Slovenia
www.casakamna.org ; casakamna@gmail.com ; 00386 (0)31 708913


Vasilij  Meljnikov studied at the Academy of Music in Minsk, Belarus, with one of the most renowned Russian professors, violinist Olga Parkhomenko, who herself was a student and postgraduate of the famous David Oistrakh. After finishing his post graduate studies with prof. Parkhomenko, Vasilij Meljnikov perfected his violin performance at Peter Chaikovski Conservatory in Moscow. He began his pedagogical work as a professor at the Special Secondary School for Exceptional Music Talents in Minsk. As member of the Belarus National Chamber Orchestra he performed in Soviet Union Republics as well as in other European countries. Since 1990 he lives in Slovenia and teaches at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. In 1997 he won the first prize at the Vienna Modern Masters International Competition in Vienna, Austria. For six years he has held the position of Concert Master of RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. Since 2000 he is a permanent member of the  violin faculty at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana.

9.6.2019, Alberto Olivo, klavirski recital

V dvorani Glasbene šole, Radovljica, ob 11.00 uri



J. Haydn: Sonata v As-duru, Hob XVI:46. Allegro moderato, Adagio, Finale (Presto)

C. Debussy: “Préludes”, knjiga I. Des pas sur la neige, La fille aux cheveux de lin, La sérénade interrompue, La cathédrale engloutie

M. Ravel: La Valse


Alberto Olivo iz Fiumicella (UD) se je rodil 5. januarja 1998. Klavir je začel študirati pri petih letih pri Alessio De Franzoni. Leta 2010 je začel študij na tržaškem konservatoriju “G. Tartini” pod vodstvom Massima Gon-a, leta 2016 pa je z odliko diplomiral na “Liceo Musicale G. Carducci” v Trstu. Študiral je tudi na “Kraljevem višjem konservatoriju de Mùsica de Madrid” z Ignaciom Marinom Bocanegra. Sodeloval je na številnih tekmovanjih, pridobljenih leta 2007, na “11. mednarodnem tekmovanju mladih instrumentalistov” Povoletta, posebni nagradi “Predsedstvo regionalnega sveta F.V.G”, za varnost in interpretacijo kosov 20. stoletja. Istega leta je prejel prvo nagrado na “3. mednarodnem glasbenem tekmovanju” v Trstu, leta 2013 pa je prejel prvo nagrado na “1. državnem tekmovanju mladih glasbenikov Città di Palmanova”. Leta 2015 je prejel prvo nagrado na 28. glasbenem tekmovanju “Città di Albenga”, leta 2016 pa je prejel klavirsko nagrado “Filippo Trevisan” na “4. glasbenem tekmovanju Città di Palmanova” s 100/100 točkami. Sodeloval je na številnih mojstrskih tečajih in tečajih pri S. Gadjevu, A. Gadjevu, P. Entremontu, L. Dedovi, M. Prause, R. Kinki, D. Andonovi itd. Koncertiral je v Italiji in tujini (Avstrija, Hrvaška, Srbija, Makedonija, Španija).